2,074 research outputs found

    Subgroup growth of lattices in semisimple Lie groups

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    We give very precise bounds for the congruence subgroup growth of arithmetic groups. This allows us to determine the subgroup growth of irreducible lattices of semisimple Lie groups. In the most general case our results depend on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis for number fields but we can state the following unconditional theorem: Let GG be a simple Lie group of real rank at least 2, different than D_4(\bbc), and let Γ\Gamma be any non-uniform lattice of GG. Let sn(Γ)s_n(\Gamma) denote the number of subgroups of index at most nn in Γ\Gamma. Then the limit limnlogsn(Γ)(logn)2/loglogn\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} \frac{\log s_n(\Gamma)}{(\log n)^2/ \log \log n} exists and equals a constant γ(G)\gamma(G) which depends only on the Lie type of GG and can be easily computed from its root system.Comment: 34 page

    Essays on fiscal sustainability in Europe

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    Fiscal sustainability is present when the current government debt equates to the present value of future budget surpluses or their excess over deficits but since 1970 the EU countries on average had a surplus budget only in one year. The first aim of the thesis is to see whether Europe has achieved fiscal sustainability, whereas the second aim is to analyse the effects of Maastricht and the Stability and Growth Pact to this end. Another research aim is to present a formal fiscal sustainability assessment for the EU accession countries. Finally, the thesis bridges fiscal and external sustainability and studies the economy-wide sustainability separately in 'old' Europe and the accession countries. [Continues.


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    Convergence and multiplicities for the Lempert function

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    Given a domain ΩC\Omega \subset \mathbb C, the Lempert function is a functional on the space Hol (\D,\Omega) of analytic disks with values in Ω\Omega, depending on a set of poles in Ω\Omega. We generalize its definition to the case where poles have multiplicities given by local indicators (in the sense of Rashkovskii's work) to obtain a function which still dominates the corresponding Green function, behaves relatively well under limits, and is monotonic with respect to the indicators. In particular, this is an improvement over the previous generalization used by the same authors to find an example of a set of poles in the bidisk so that the (usual) Green and Lempert functions differ.Comment: 24 pages; many typos corrected thanks to the referee of Arkiv for Matemati